Source: Clerk's Office
of the Circuit Court of Westmoreland Co., VA
by Barbara Peck
In the Name of God
Amen. I Robert Self of the County of Westmorland being sick &
weak of body but of sound & perfect mind & memory praise be to
god for the same do think fitt & convenient to make & ordain
this my last will & Testament in manner & form as followeth =
Impe I give & bequeath my land whereon my son Stephen Self liveth
being the remainder of my patten being about eighty acres or
thereabouts unto my Grand son Walter Self to him and his heires forever
also I give my duch chest to my son John Self after the death of my
wife. ITem I give & bequeath all the rest of my estate of
what quality or quantity soever unto my well beloved wife Jane makeing
& ordaining her my whole & Sole Extx of this my last will &
Testament makeing null void & of none efect all other wills
heretofore by me made owning & declaring this to be my last will
& Testament. As Witness my hand & seal this 18th day of
June 1716--Robert Self, mar [seal] signed & sealed & delivered
in the presence. Thomas Beal Thomas Marchant mar, Jas. Thomas.
At a court held for
the sd County the 27 day of March 1717--The last Will & Testamt of
Robert Self decd. was presented into Court by Jane Self, his Extx who
made oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of Thomas Beal &
Thomas Marchant two of the Wittnesses thereto is admitt to Record and
upon mocon of the said Jane and her performing what is usual in such
cases certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof, in
due form.
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